Sunday, October 08, 2006

The Haze Solution

The haze is getting worse, with a PSI high of 150 today in Singapore.

Sitting around to complain isn't going to help things. After some thoughts, I think the best way to solve the question is through the establishment of a logging company!

Yah, we need a logging company to hack down those trees to clear the land for the Indonesian farmers. They aren't educated, and it will probably take too much efforts from the Indonesian govt to educate these bunch of farmers. C'mon, create a plan to log trees in Kalimantan, or wherever the farmers wanna clear lands. Give them no trees to burn, and plenty of land to farm! Supply them with fertilizers to replace the ashes.

And you know what, the logging company can actually sell the timber and exchange them for cold hard cash! Instead of all the smoke and haze which is deteoriating air quality all around south east asia and beyond!

I will happily lead a logging company to help these farmers and make some money. Any venture capitalist hear me?

Argh. This haze is irritating me!

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