Friday, June 01, 2007

Passed my IPPT!

Yah I know itz no big deal! Haha but after my ROVW last year it is a relief to pass at the first attempt this year, and almost getting a silver! Hmm, I will try harder to improve my 2.4 timing to get that extra 100 bucks, they come in handy! ;)

Met Benjamin Chew and some other AEOs at the IPPT at SBAB this morning. Not bad had a chance to catch up and understand more about how people are doing at base level. He got his Nissan Latio, pearl purple, quite chio! Haha I wish I can get one too!

FYP is finally done. I've submitted my hardcopy report to Prof Lee and the abstract through the library electronically. But it was a chore really, had to download the VPN to submit successfully. I supposed that's the end for my NTU life, as I walked through the south spine one of the last times on my way out today... Au revoir NTU et mes amies! Merci pour tout!

And announcement of 0.5 months bonus with $220 for civil servants! Hooray, but I think I will get peanuts again after pro-rating. Sianz. Hope my results come out soon, then I can fax to AMD asap and emplace me.

And I signed up to row for SDBF for NJ alumni. The club looks like in trouble and I hope a half-fit me can help. Actually kinda scared for the upcoming trainings - 25 mins slow run then 2 hrs sprint trainings. The last time I did these were in year 2. But I will try my best, as usual. Hope we can return to winning ways, if not perform respectably! C'mon we are NJ alumni! Everyone is a champion with so many extra db gold medals at home. We just need to ignite that innate potential to terrorize our opponents again! *ROAR*

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