Friday, September 08, 2006


Extroversion vs Introversion

I guess in a way, but only to certain people who I really know well. I can't seem to find the energy to be an extrovert in an unfamiliar setting. I know I can, but just don't want to. How about a introverted extrovert? Maybe I do miss having big cliques, but the problem seems that big group hinders speed and efficiency, something that I am not really prepared to give up.

Intuition vs Sensing

I think I actually borders on intuition and sensing. I do some things by intuition, basically thinking that I am right without actually knowing whatz going on exactly, and I am mostly right, I guess. Haha. But I am quite sensitive to the people around me, probably cos of my training in the CS minor and personal experiences. But, the more sensitive I become, the more difficult it seems to open up.

Thinking vs Feeling

This is quite obvious. I am more rational than feeling. Reflects in the things I use, buy and spend on. Clearly, the functional aspect far outstrips the emotional aspect. For one, I am unlikely to spend $50 on a pair of slippers any time soon. An exception is food - I believe in eating well, and it seems to reflect on me physically too. Lol.

Judging vs Perceiving

Yah, I am a facts person. I can't decide until I have the necessary information on my fingers. Hmm, that explains why I don't have many people to detest, because I don't perceive and I am too lazy to get the facts.

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