Friday, December 29, 2006

I deserve that wee bit more... Really

Exams results are finally out, and it reads:

EE3014 A
EE4001 B+
EE4041 A+
EE4105 B+
EE4153 B+
EE4188 A+
CS118 A-
HP804 B

I am rather satisfied, especially with HRM. It was a big surprise to score so well. And it is the first time in NTU that I have smelled A+ (issit the equivalent of the old DI?) But failure to score well for software engineering and telecomm are big disappointments. Sighz, I think I rushed my software paper too much to rush back to study for DSP later that day.

Calculated a GPA with these grades, even though we are not under this system = 4.53 for core and prescribed electives. Barely first class, but I had hoped for better grades to make up for my screwed up yr 1 and 2. Praying hard that I still have a shot at the top honours.

And I failed my IPPT again this morning. A major disappointment, and how unfit I have become. Ran 12:23 for 2.4km, and a mere 4 seconds that will spare me a ROVW (record of verbal warning) for this work year. I suck! I regret that 4s when I gave myself some slack.

I really deserve that teeny weeny bit more... =|

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